SiteHound-web identifies ligand binding sites by computing interactions between a chemical probe and a protein structure.
SiteHunter: is an automated webserver for the prediction of protein-ligand and protein-DNA interactions through protein threading.
POCASA: (POcket-CAvity Search Application). an automatic ligand-binding-site prediction program
ProShape: Volume, Surface and Pockets of Proteins
fpocket: pocket detection for protein. Fpocket: perform simple pocket detection. MDpocket: track pockets in molecular dynamics. Hpocket: view conserved pockets withing homologous proteins
GHECOM: A program for finding multi-scale pockets on protein surfaces using mathematical morphology
list of software for pocket finder
list of software for pocket finder ant other structural characteristics
SiteComp: Ligand Binding Site Analisys
Pocket-Finder: pocket detection
Strap: intuitive Editor for annotated multiple Sequence and Structure Alignments
ProBis: is a web server and a computer program for the detection of structurally similar protein binding sites and pairwise local structural alignment.
ProSmoS: a pattern-based search using interaction matrix representation of protein structures.
Dali server:The Dali server is a network service for comparing protein structures in 3D
ABS-SCAN In silico Alanine Scanning Mutagenesis for ligand binding site
PBEQ - solver: provides a web-based graphical user interface to read biomolecular structures, solve the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equations and interactively visualize the electrostatic potential
APBS: Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver
PDB2PQR:This server enables a user to convert PDB files into PQR files.
PDB2PQR:An automated pipeline for the setup, execution, and analysis of Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatics calculations
eF-site: electrostatic surface of functional-site
Delphi:Analytical solutions of the corresponding Poisson-Boltzmann Equation (PBE) are not available for such cases and the distribution of the potential can be found only numerically.
3D-SURFER is web-based software for protein surface comparison and analysis
CASTP:It provides identification and measurements of surface accessible pockets as well as interior inaccessible cavities, for proteins and other molecule
Voronoi: Packing Efficiency calculator
SSAP: The SSAP server allows users to compare the structures of two proteins and view the subsequent structural alignment
Disulfide Bond Analysis tool:Below is our software tool for analyzing disulfide bond
Pro-Origami:The cartoons are intended to make protein structure easy to interpret by laying out the secondary and super-secondary structure in two dimensions in a manner that makes the structure clear. Topology.
HOPE: is an easy-to-use webserver that analyses the structural effects of your mutation of interest. Project HOPE will then collect and combine available information from a series of webservers and databases and will produce a mutation report complete with results.
ASA-view: Solvent Accessibility graphics for proteins
VADAR: (Volume, Area, Dihedral Angle Reporter)
COOT: Coot is for macromolecular model building, model completion and validation, particularly suitable for protein modelling using X-ray data
Arguslab: is a molecular modeling, graphics, and drug design program
HyperChem:Computational methods include molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, and semi-empirical and ab-initio molecular orbital methods, as well as density functional theory. HyperChem Data and HyperNMR are included as part of HyperChem. New features are continually added and include elegant Open GL rendering, TNDO, RM1, Charmm protein simulations, molecules in magnetic fields, interfaces to third-party applications, calculations of structure, spectra, rate constants and much more. HyperChem is applicable to macromolecules as well as small molecules and is scriptable.
Ascalaph provides the window interface and three-dimensional graphics for molecular modeling. Editing of the molecular geometry and molecular dynamics are also supported.
NAB: Automation of making nucleic acid helices DNA building
3DNA:A Software Package for the Analysis, Rebuilding, and Visualization of Three-dimensional Nucleic Acid Structures.
Structural Analysis: server of the Ressource Parisienne en Bioinformatique Structurale (RPBS)
PDB Cleaner:For manipulations of the pdb file, one can use PDB Cleaner service from IGS-CNRS
Molsurfer Map: The interface between 2 macromolecules (protein/dna/rna) will be mapped by adsi and molecular properties (excluding electrostatics) will be projected onto it.
Surface Area and Solvation Energy of Macromolecules
LIGPLOT: Program for automatically plotting protein-ligand
GRASP: Graphical Representation and Analysis of Structural Properties
Protein side chains relative solvent accessibility prediction
CysState: Cysteines disulfide bonding state prediction from protein sequence
Protein Molecular Weight Calculator
Protein Molecular Weight Calculator
Protein Structure Database Searching by DaliLite v. 3 The Dali server is a network service for comparing protein structures in 3D.
PDB Cleaner:For manipulations of the pdb file, one can use PDB Cleaner service from IGS-CNRS
SDM requires a PDB file of the wild-type protein structure in order to calculate a stability score for mutant proteins.